transfer layer into another layer could be possible. The layer shared between projects would be quite tricky - maybe impossible.
But we already thought about possibility to connect for example SHP to the project. I mean connect as external data source. So it would be possible that several project could work with the same SHP file (data source). Would it be interesting for you?
Hey Petr,
this would be a better workaround than i could even imagine. I'm very interested.
This could open a way to work synchron. The SHP could be storaged in a googledrive folder, or not?
Nick Schubert
Hey (3rd one),
it would ne nice if the is a function to transfer one layer in another project, with or without the symbology.
Proceeded: Layers, that can be shared between project simultaneous. Ok thats maybe a little bit to ambitious, but i'm dreaming sometimes from an Locus which is working synchronously (check tips section).
More speedup :D
Best regards,
This was the last for now. Sorry.