this function could be also implemented for the measurement tool. Now there is only distance. But the direction (azimuth/bearing) is also very important in cartography. Just an idea.
I'm sorry but what exactly do you mean 'green circle'? Can you please provide for example some image with better description.
Thank you, Petr
Hi, thank you for explanation, I can understand you.
Would you please write me more info about your use-case, please? Why is bearing vital for you? How would you use is? I'd like to know if it can be useful for other users.
Thank you, Petr
thank you for additional info. I changed your question into 'feature request'. Please vote for this idea.
It might make the display a little cluttered if the bearing and distance are always displayed, but the ability to toggle display of the bearing on/off would be nice and also the ability to configure the display format (as is already the case for coordinates). Alternatively just summarise the bearing information in the attribute form.
This feature goes hand-in-hand with the "offset" feature, which allows the creation of a new point from a bearing and distance away from an existing point. At present, if a shape is created using the offset method, there is no easy way to verify the points later except by calculation from two coordinates.
Fairuzam Rani
Hi, It's posible to display bearing between green circle and area (polygon) when using edit feature geometry. Regards Zam
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