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Different colors for different attribute values

I can choose color and size for each attribute (column). But it is not possible to select different colors for each category in a column? Example: Attribute = tree species It has three different posible values (oak, birch, pine). Can I display on the map the points of this datalayer with different colors depending on the values of said attribute? E.g. brown for oak, grey for birch, green for pine. Also, can I select to only display on map those points with a given attribute value? E.g. species = oak, or date = 2019? Thank you

Best Answer


it isn't really possible to customize the icon or color of element based on the attribute value at this moment. There is already feature request that mentioned it. I have to say that idea is already planned and I guess that we can focus on implementation in Q2 this year. 

At this moment is needed to split possible types into separated layers (to have different style) or use at least labels to distinguish types by labels

Thanks, Petr

That good idea...

Thank you, it would be wery useful for us too !

Thanks, we are aware of this. Basically this is one from the most wanted functions.   

4 people like this
Thanks for the answer, Petr. Custom color for each attribute value will be a great funcionality addition for this great app.


it isn't really possible to customize the icon or color of element based on the attribute value at this moment. There is already feature request that mentioned it. I have to say that idea is already planned and I guess that we can focus on implementation in Q2 this year. 

At this moment is needed to split possible types into separated layers (to have different style) or use at least labels to distinguish types by labels

Thanks, Petr

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