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Coordinate format

Hi Is it possible to make the coordinates in DMS or MGRS??

Best Answer


it's possible to display coordinate as DMS but MGRS isn't supported in Locus GIS.

There are two options:
- change the project Coordinate reference system Menu > Projects > option of your project (three dots) > Coordinate reference system > change to EPSG:4326 (By default are the coordinates displayed in the project coordinate system)
- change type of coordinates for your project  Menu > Projects > option of your project (three dots) > Type of Coordinates

Thank you


it's possible to display coordinate as DMS but MGRS isn't supported in Locus GIS.

There are two options:
- change the project Coordinate reference system Menu > Projects > option of your project (three dots) > Coordinate reference system > change to EPSG:4326 (By default are the coordinates displayed in the project coordinate system)
- change type of coordinates for your project  Menu > Projects > option of your project (three dots) > Type of Coordinates

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