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How to set a reference datum for shp-file

Hi, After importing a shape-File with Version 1.12.1 the imported features are located at 0/0 in the area of africa Accra. Is there a need to a reference-darum for the shape-File? Thanks Dominik

Best Answer


you can define the Coordinate reference system on the import screen - please see the point (6) on the import screen

Thanks, Petr



you can define the Coordinate reference system on the import screen - please see the point (6) on the import screen

Thanks, Petr

hi, thanks. It was a effect of the 1.12.1 presentation issue. We set the correct reference, but cause of the error, we saw no infos on the Lager :)

Hi, please update on the latest 1.12.2. There were really some issues in 1.12.1 and should be fixed in 1.12.2 version.

Thanks, Petr

1 person likes this
Already done when released :) was just an info for you that the topic is solved :) have a nice day

Great, thank you

when i openes coordinates in execel sheet , the coordinates(UTM) does`nt match with lat long s conversion..

when i takes coordinates and set the coordinates In UTM format display other than the actual spot UTM cordinates.

how can got sample projects.

Sample Projects

could I ask you to send us the exported layer as WGS84 (EPSG 4326) and the layer exported in desired UTM, please? What UTM zone do you use, please?
Please create a new topic if you have any problem with sample project (this topic isn't related to Sample Project)

Thanks, Petr

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