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Shapefile Size or Item Quantity Limit?

 Is there a file size limit or number of objects limit when importing a shapefile layer?

When I try to import some files that I use on my desktop they end up as a clump in the middle of the screen and I am not able to zoom into them to make them expand.

Best Answer


I have re-generated my shapefile and it is working now.  It must have had a point that was very far away from all the others.


there isn't limit for import but it's limited the number of objects displayed on the screen. In such situation app doesn't display all items and simply ask to zoom-in. Anyway would be possible to share any problematic SHP file, please? I'd check it




I have re-generated my shapefile and it is working now.  It must have had a point that was very far away from all the others.

Fine :), I'm g;ad to hear it.

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