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my account on LocusGIS portal

HI Petr

best greetings, as you know I am very interesting in LocusGIS, I received new notice from (discussions/locusGIS ) to my Yahoo email, in this new forum I try to create new account with Yahoo email ( in register ask just name & Email without password), when I try to sign in it is ask to put password???, for that problem I sign in with my Gmail which i rarely  use it. now I cannot login to LocusGIS Portal with my Yahoo email!!.

I am always follow everything new in LocusGIS.

in any case, good lock in your work.


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Hi Ahmed,

fine , I'm glad to hear it

Regards. Petr

Hi Petr,

thanks for help, I received email from Locus GIS portal, my account work now.


Hi Ahmed,

I'm sorry there was some problem on this forum during weekend that complicates login. Would you please try to login again with your Yahoo email? 

Thanks, Petr

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